Sunday, July 28, 2013

Los Angeles update #1

I've been in LA for a few days and it has been amazing. I've been honored to be working/living with a team of incredible leaders and lovers of Jesus!

Thursday was registration and our opening worship time--amazing to start it all in God's presence!

Friday we heard from 7 different speakers, pastors, and ministry leaders throughout the day like Francis Chan, Jaeson Ma, Brian Brennt, and Dave Gibbons. All of them spoke a united message:the power of the gospel of Jesus and what we should be doing about it. It was a challenge to step out in faith, take risks, listen to The Lord, and live a life worthy of his calling, full of generosity and compassion. Each one of them spoke of the revival of America too! It was a truly historic event to see the body of Christ from across America and around the world come together for this one purpose of bringing heaven to earth.

Saturday we did an all day outreach in Santa Ana partnering with local churches and businesses to bless the city. My group got to pray for and encourage several people. One guy had a brace on his arm and it looked like he'd ha surgery on it. Anyway we prayed and God totally healed it!! We took the brace off, he move his hand around and said it was better!!

I can't believe the testimonies already--and it's only day 4. Excited to keep updating you!

Monday, July 15, 2013

He Still Parts the Sea.

Crazy story.

Here it goes.

I knew God was calling me to Los Angeles to staff the Circuit Riders school. It's a one week amazing school that is all about the simple Gospel of Christ. And all about finding freedom in Him, worshiping Him, sharing His love with everyone around. I was just so sure I was supposed to go, after lots of prayer and confirmation from various sources.

I was believing for God to provide all of the finances for this trip. Since I live on support all the time, I didn't have much to spare but really believed that God was going to go even above and beyond in the area of provision.


Mostly because He can. Also because He loves to bless His kids. More specifically, because He knows the battles I've fought and wanted me to know how He steps in and fights for me. Our greatest breakthroughs often come after great battles. I've fought hard to be where I am today. It hasn't been easy. The enemy has literally tried to kill me several times. This trip he's done all sorts of stuff to make sure I can't go. But when that happens, God just comes in with even greater victory.

This trip has been no different. I could feel the warfare from the beginning. No finances came in. I kept praying, kept asking, and all I got was "likes" on my Facebook posts. No money. The date came closer and closer.

The first day I was back home visiting, I got a check in the mail for a significant amount that was exactly what I needed to pay for housing in L.A. I never get mail at my parents' house anymore, and people rarely send me support that way! It was EXACTLY what I needed to COMPLETELY cover housing, and this person had no idea of that!!!

I knew God was up to something big.

A few days later, someone else gave me the amount I had decided to raise for food for my time in L.A. Again, they had no idea I'd decided on that number.

Then...not too much happened. Some support came in, and I watched the plane ticket prices rise.

The crazy thing is that I felt God telling me to wait. That is the hardest thing ever!!! Because a flight can cost $900 one day and $1200 the next. I was at a loss of what to do, but I decided the best thing would be to trust God.

"I'm with you on this trip. My presence is going with you. I support you! I will provide for you!" His truth rang in my ears.

It was a battle! Every time I tried to send out support letters, emails, write blogs, look at tickets, either my computer or the internet would crash. I had no idea who I could call or what to do. So I prayed.

Literally, that's basically all I did! It's all I could do!

And He said, "I want to prove to you that I will provide for you regardless of what YOU do to provide for yourself. I am the One who fights for you."

Every time something went wrong, I'd pray. And He'd make a way.

This week I felt like God said to wait till Monday to buy the ticket. Something was going to happen Monday. It was the hardest thing ever because prices skyrocket over the weekend, and waiting would mean cutting it pretty close to when I have to leave. It was risky. But it was God! I'd rather go on this trip totally 100% with Him, than get a cheaper flight without His favor.

The thing is, I think whether I really heard from God or not, He blesses wild faith. He blesses us when we think we hear His voice and do something radical as a result, fully trusting Him.

On Friday, I still needed $750 and prices were going up. On Saturday I found out a couple people had donated big amounts and I only needed $500. I stopped asking for money at that point. But tickets were all over $1000 by now.

On Sunday, I prayed and gave thanks, resting in God's goodness. He is good. No matter what, provision or debt, He is good.

Then a stranger not only bought my car but donated $500 to my trip!!!!!!!!! That was the first turning point in the whole thing! I had enough, even enough to buy a $1000 ticket! I could have some left over for rent and groceries for the next couple months!

Still, God said wait. Ahhhhhhhh.......I kept waiting.

Monday came and I was so excited to get onto the internet and buy my ticket.

This is where the warfare came back again. My computer wouldn't start. I had to run it through diagnostics in Starbucks (because yes, our internet at the apartment is down). It took ages.

Miraculously I found 1 $800 ticket!!! So excited, I began to purchase it on my phone. Nope...the website crashed.

I called the airline. "The cheapest ticket we have is $1100. It must be an error."


I prayed. And prayed. Must have looked ridiculous pacing in front of Starbucks speaking jibberish. But something was coming against my ability to buy this ticket!!! I had to pray against it!

"God, I know You're good. I need You to make a way. Part the sea, make a way, I need this cheaper ticket."

It was the ONLY cheap ticket on the list by about $300, and God had spoken to me to go to that website first to search, so I KNEW He was up to something. The enemy was also up to something...but God's better.

So after several frustrating minutes, I just changed the search by a day. And there it was. $695. What???? Round-trip? Nice airline? Exact dates? Decent times? $695.

I don't know if this is Biblical. But I think if God can part the Red Sea, He can surely create an airline ticket just for me.

I am so wrecked by His love, faithfulness, and provision right now.

I share this story in hopes that it will stir up your faith and trust in the Lord. His love is the same for you!!! Totally passionate and overflowing. What is your need? I encourage you to trust in the Word of the Lord. That no matter what, He is good, He is loving, He is faithful, and He will fight for you.

He still parts the sea.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Glory looks like Jesus

We had an overnight "Burn" while I was at home in Colorado. The purpose was Jesus: enjoy His presence and adore Him all night.

We met in a church that's in an interesting part of town. That area actually holds a history of darkness and violence. Even the church building itself has had its own history of weird encounters (like most places do).

My favorite thing about the night was that there were no wild visions, manifestations, or crazy angelic encounters (although I am certain there was a host of angels worshiping with us--I could feel it). It wasn't an emotional so-called "mountaintop experience" (that phrase is so annoying) or emotional boost.

It was a first for all of us, staying up all night together in a church worshiping and praying.

And the consensus was, that we all left simply loving Jesus more! Which was the point!

Again--it wasn't an out of body, going in to heaven, seeing wildness, kind of deal. Sometimes we make Jesus so experiential. But Jesus is real! He is a real guy and we can really know Him. He is SO MUCH MORE than a feeling and it's an injustice to consider Him as such.

It's funny because apparently, according to several outside sources, there was a pillar of fog/cloud surrounding the church building where we were worshiping. It stayed all night. From the church, it looked like the whole area was covered in a thick fog so that you could barely see. But friends told us later the fog ended just a couple hundred feet away from the building in each direction.

Even the pastor said he really felt like God's presence entered the church in a fresh way that night.

God's presence changes things. It shifts the atmosphere. It forces darkness to flee in humiliation. It washes the ground of murder and rains redemption.

I'm praying all of these things over that neighborhood and believing that a new day has dawned for that area of town!!

From a Place of Wholeness--Dance Camp Testimony #4

It's hard to minister to people when we ourselves are thirsty, weary, broken, or in bondage. God's grace is enough--it's a promise in His word.

I want to encourage you to walk in the breakthrough you have already received. For a long time I didn't do this. I'd get set free from things like anxiety, self-hatred, nightmares, physical problems, insecurity, and shame--then I'd go right back into those mindsets.

There comes a point in time where you're just free.

You don't have to go back.

It's a matter of believing that Jesus really did take ALL of your brokenness upon His shoulders in the shape of the Cross. And His resurrection defeated ALL of your death.

During a ministry time with the dance students, God began to highlight to me specific girls to pray with. One girl pulled me to the side, and began to weep. I held her and spoke words of life over her soul as God reached in and healed her in deeper ways than I was even aware of.

I was honestly in shock.

God, You have entrusted her heart to me? You want to use me to release Your freedom and grace over her?

A year ago I wasn't even in a place where I could really pray over students. I was so confused and broken myself. This I have learned, and found sure: Walk in the breakthrough you have received.

Jesus says it like this in Matthew 10:8-- "Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons.Freely you have receivedfreely give."

I always feared that moment when a needy person would come to me like this student. Would I be able to help someone in need, when I myself have needs?

But God showed me the beauty of His love. It heals the receiver and the giver. It blesses the broken and the whole. It fills the one pouring out, just as much as the one drinking.

If you walk in breakthrough and wholeness, you will be surprised at the blessing you receive each time someone comes to you for wisdom, prayer, encouragement, or anything else. Our Source is Jesus. He is endless. I encourage you to freely receive His love, and then even more freely give it to those around you who are in need!

Talking with Jesus--Dance Camp Testimony #3

I got to hang out with the younger students at camp one afternoon, our purpose being to listen to God's voice. Kids are incredible, how clearly they hear God. These girls were armed with markers and construction paper, ready to draw any pictures Jesus gave them, and then share them with the older students.

A few of them caught on right away. One girl, about 7 or 8, immediately drew a big cloud with golden raindrops coming out of it, and yellow glory all around. Others wrote specific notes of encouragement to sisters, moms, and close friends.

One girl sat with her hands over her ears, her muscles tense, her eyes a brimming with frustration.

A few minutes earlier we'd practiced listening to Jesus. "It's just like talking to your best friend! Do you guys like to talk to your best friend? Well, Jesus loves to talk to you, too! All the time! It's so fun!"

"I just hear my own thoughts," this girl had responded.

Now I sat next to her to see how she was doing. "I just can't hear anything, and I don't know why!" She exclaimed, exasperated.

I offered to pray with her; she eagerly accepted the offer. "Jesus," I spoke gently, placing my hand on her back, "I thank You for Your daughter. I thank You that she hears Your voice and You love to speak to her. Thank You that she doesn't hear from You like everyone else--it may be different from her friend, but it is still Your voice." (The glory-cloud girl was sitting right next to her, still drawing up a storm with a beaming face.)

I walked around to see how everyone else was getting along, and when I came back this little girl was asking how to spell some things. She was writing something to the effect of, "No longer afraid."

Here's the deal. About 30 minutes earlier, all the students had just been praying through the area of fear, and breaking it off of their lives. This was not just a cute Sunday school phrase she pulled out of a hat. It was a direct word from the Lord for one of the students who she was going to give the note to.

Do you ever feel like the little girl with her hands over her ears? I want to encourage you just as she encouraged me. We all hear God's voice. He really does like to speak to all of us. Sometimes it looks different from the person next to us. We don't all see glory clouds and sunshine rain. But we ALL know the sound of Jesus. It's just a matter of tuning our ears to listen, and trusting that He loves us enough to have a conversation with us.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Lurking in the Shadows--The Effects of Anger

You don't have to be a scholar to see that the world is not all black and white. There's lots of grey areas that Christians spend their time debating over--alcohol, tattoos, music, relationships...etc. Where do you draw the line between right and wrong?

One area I've often been confused about is anger. I'm not even pretending to know everything, but want to share my thoughts on this issue.

The punchline of the sermon often goes like this, "Anger is fine, as long as you handle it well." I mean, Jesus was angry. He cleared the Temple, overturning tables and driving out livestock with a whip (see John 2, Mark 11, and Matthew 21). Although only one passage describes Jesus' emotions, and it uses the word "zeal", never mentioning anger, it is implied that Jesus was a little fiery. And rightly so.

I just found a verse in James which I have always skipped over, that talks about anger. Somehow I've missed the second half of 1:19-20 all these years. Right in between "every good a perfect gift" and "do not merely listen to the word", James sandwiches this nugget of truth:

"...Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry, for man's anger does not bring about the righteousness that God desires."

I get a few things from this verse. The first thing that stuck out to me is that James is talking about man's anger. So there is a difference between God's anger and man's anger. When Jesus yelled at the moneychangers, he wasn't operating in human impulse. He was burning with the very righteousness of God. With perfect zeal.

Jesus knew how to handle that zeal which was inside of him. He knew exactly what he was doing. He wasn't just acting in the moment. Every action had a purpose.

If we can learn to grasp this anger which God demonstrates over and over again in Scripture, as he tears down kingdoms and builds new ones, forces kings to their knees and raises up the lowly...if we can imitate this attitude, we're golden. The thing I realized is that my human concept of anger is where the mess comes. We get angry at things that don't bother God. He doesn't get offended like we do--praise the Lord that he doesn't!

This calls for a deep fear of the Lord, a dedication to understanding his heart. Jesus was expressing the deep heartache of God that men had turned his House into a marketplace.

Another word that sticks out to me in this passage is righteousness. Moreover, righteousness that God desires. It's like God is saying, "Listen--I have something so much better for you than the sour feeling that's creeping through your stomach right now. You don't have to get upset about this stuff--you can learn to gaze on My face instead, and soak in beauty rather than offense."

I am so thankful that God offers to release us from the chains of bitterness and offense. He cancelled all our offenses on the Cross. He brought ultimate reconciliation. This isn't to say that problems won't ever come up, but we can live free from the human anger that is so tempting.

God says, "Don't look to offense. Look to Me."

He is righteousness. He is perfection. He is love.

As we look to Him and His word, His peace and joy enter our hearts. We don't have room to be angry! We are more consumed with destroying offense and hurt than feeling it!

Does this mean we walk around with cheesy smiles all the time? No. Jesus showed a depth of joy that was so strong, it enabled Him to go to the Cross and be killed for the sake of those who hated him. This is what I'm talking about. His eyes were so fixed on the truth that He even begged God to forgive those who nailed His hands to the wood.

Many of us have been hurt by angry, selfish, bitter, or offended people. Christ is offering freedom. He says, "That way has never brought growth or holiness. Let's try my way. Let's fill those burned holes in your heart with joy and grace instead."

I hope that this encourages you not to try and cover up your hurts, but to allow Jesus to heal them, and allow His zeal into your heart.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Love like Jesus--Dance Camp Testimony #2

Thursday is pretty much known as the crying day at camp. In the afternoon we have a ministry time where students can rededicate their lives to Christ, surrender things they've been holding onto, receive healing, and be prayed over.

For my class, the crying started at about 10:15am. Ha!

It was the last day we got to spend together aside from dress rehearsal, so we spent some time praying together. First I had everyone pray for anyone on their heart who it has been difficult for them to love. That's when tears started, tears of compassion for the broken people in our lives. Wow, already wrecked.

Then, I had everyone buddy up. The goal was to listen to Jesus and get an encouraging word for the other person, straight from heaven. The girls took turns asking the Lord how he felt about the other person, then they shared.

I watched from the side as one by one these young teens were touched by the love of Jesus. The youngest in the class broke down crying for a long time, her eyes wide open to God's love for her--I could almost see her heart just softening and growing right there.

The amazing thing is that these girls were ministering to each other. They totally took initiative and joyfully listened to their Jesus share his heart with them.

Perfect love casts out all fear. Fear of not being good enough, fear of messing up, fear of not hearing God right.

It was incredible to watch these young ladies tear down fear from day one, and choose to think the thoughts of heaven, speaking encouragement and life over each other all the time. And again, it was all them, saying yes to Jesus! I mostly just got to watch and be blown away!!

Every Soul--Dance Camp Testimony #1

Wednesday morning worship definitely took us all to a new level at dance camp this summer. We started off by just singing to Jesus whatever was on our hearts. It was so beautiful to see 120-some voices set free from any fear or insecurity that may have held them down before. That set the atmosphere for worship that day.

We'd been talking about love all week, and up to this point specifically hitting the issue of identity.

Now, full of fresh revelation of God's love for us, an anthem arose.

I remember singing it in London last summer, for 30 minutes straight as its truth sank deep into my spirit, like a hot seal that would never be torn away. Now I led a room full of hungry Jesus-lovers in the song:

Jesus, You are worth it all--every nation, every soul...

What a wild statement! That every thing he asks us to do, every possession he asks us to give up, every place he asks us to go, is worth it. Because HE IS WORTHY. He is worthy of every single soul, every sigle person's heart and adoration.

It's an anthem that says, "We will not give up--we will not quit--until every knee bows and every tongue confesses that our Jesus is Lord!"

The camp director came up on stage, calling everyone in the room to a life of surrender, of radical faith, of total obedience. That life of saying yes to God no matter the cost.

I opened my eyes and saw a multitude of hands raised high, young people laying down everything, crying out for the nations to know Jesus! And agreeing to go, no matter what, to share His love no matter how difficult.

There was even a group of students who had come up to the front of the stage and were kneeling together like an altar call. We hadn't even told them to do that! They came to the front because they were saying yes to Jesus!! Some of them wept, praying over each other and embracing each other.

It was such a beautiful, pure-hearted surrender to the Lord.

I was moved to tears as I looked out over that room. I've seen hundreds of young people sing that song and say yes to God's call on their lives. But this was something different. This was a frightening realization that the call to GO to all the earth, the call to radical faith, to laid-down lives, to wild love, has broken forth into every area of society. It is a sweeping movement like a tsunami. It can't be stopped! Even children raise their hands and cry out, "Lord, send me! I will go!" Teenagers climb out of depression and self-hatred in order to grab onto God's life-altering call.

The movement's started. No longer is the church sitting in complacency, watching the world die a slow and miserable death. Suddenly, and anthem arises. It is here, and growing louder each day.

"Jesus, You are worth it all--every nation, every soul..."