Thursday, July 4, 2013

Love like Jesus--Dance Camp Testimony #2

Thursday is pretty much known as the crying day at camp. In the afternoon we have a ministry time where students can rededicate their lives to Christ, surrender things they've been holding onto, receive healing, and be prayed over.

For my class, the crying started at about 10:15am. Ha!

It was the last day we got to spend together aside from dress rehearsal, so we spent some time praying together. First I had everyone pray for anyone on their heart who it has been difficult for them to love. That's when tears started, tears of compassion for the broken people in our lives. Wow, already wrecked.

Then, I had everyone buddy up. The goal was to listen to Jesus and get an encouraging word for the other person, straight from heaven. The girls took turns asking the Lord how he felt about the other person, then they shared.

I watched from the side as one by one these young teens were touched by the love of Jesus. The youngest in the class broke down crying for a long time, her eyes wide open to God's love for her--I could almost see her heart just softening and growing right there.

The amazing thing is that these girls were ministering to each other. They totally took initiative and joyfully listened to their Jesus share his heart with them.

Perfect love casts out all fear. Fear of not being good enough, fear of messing up, fear of not hearing God right.

It was incredible to watch these young ladies tear down fear from day one, and choose to think the thoughts of heaven, speaking encouragement and life over each other all the time. And again, it was all them, saying yes to Jesus! I mostly just got to watch and be blown away!!

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