Saturday, July 13, 2013

From a Place of Wholeness--Dance Camp Testimony #4

It's hard to minister to people when we ourselves are thirsty, weary, broken, or in bondage. God's grace is enough--it's a promise in His word.

I want to encourage you to walk in the breakthrough you have already received. For a long time I didn't do this. I'd get set free from things like anxiety, self-hatred, nightmares, physical problems, insecurity, and shame--then I'd go right back into those mindsets.

There comes a point in time where you're just free.

You don't have to go back.

It's a matter of believing that Jesus really did take ALL of your brokenness upon His shoulders in the shape of the Cross. And His resurrection defeated ALL of your death.

During a ministry time with the dance students, God began to highlight to me specific girls to pray with. One girl pulled me to the side, and began to weep. I held her and spoke words of life over her soul as God reached in and healed her in deeper ways than I was even aware of.

I was honestly in shock.

God, You have entrusted her heart to me? You want to use me to release Your freedom and grace over her?

A year ago I wasn't even in a place where I could really pray over students. I was so confused and broken myself. This I have learned, and found sure: Walk in the breakthrough you have received.

Jesus says it like this in Matthew 10:8-- "Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons.Freely you have receivedfreely give."

I always feared that moment when a needy person would come to me like this student. Would I be able to help someone in need, when I myself have needs?

But God showed me the beauty of His love. It heals the receiver and the giver. It blesses the broken and the whole. It fills the one pouring out, just as much as the one drinking.

If you walk in breakthrough and wholeness, you will be surprised at the blessing you receive each time someone comes to you for wisdom, prayer, encouragement, or anything else. Our Source is Jesus. He is endless. I encourage you to freely receive His love, and then even more freely give it to those around you who are in need!

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